Mother Earth News_December_2016_2017

(Barré) #1
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for regular waste pickups at City Hall
and two other facilities. The money has
been welcome; currently, Recycled City
turns massive mounds of compost with
a single aging tractor, and employees
pick up food waste with one old truck.
Plans are underway to upgrade to new-
er equipment.
Recycled City also desperately needs
a larger labor pool. With a waiting
list of more than 50 commercial cli-
ents and many additional individual
homeowners, plus new leases on urban
farmland, the sustainable start-up is on
the cusp of dramatic growth. Hill is
looking for an administrator, a sales-
person, and several gardeners. His am-
bitious plans for Recycled City extend

far beyond staffing and equipment.
“I picture it being one of the biggest
companies in the country in organic
agriculture,” he says. “We’ve created a
new business model, and it’s going to
be copied by a lot of people. I’ve been
saying this from the beginning: The
full-circle business model — food to
food — is going to be mainstream one

day.” In Phoenix, that day may be close
at hand.

Rebecca Martin is an editor at Mother
earth News and an avid recycler
of food waste. She maintains four
compost piles in her urban garden.

Opposite: Recycled City owner and
founder J. D. Hill picks up food waste by
bicycle in Phoenix’s historic Coronado
neighborhood, and turns compost piles
at the South Mountains facility. Right: Hill
and Swenson bag finished compost to
distribute to customers.

Slaven gujic; catheRine Slye, http://www.catSlye.coM (2)

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One Egg

at a

Time • 888-699-7088 • M-F 8-6, Sat 9-1, ET • Lubbock - 806-765-5547
organic community driven


Early this fall we acquired an historic Texas mill, Economy Mills of Lubbock. We are recycling and reusing
this conventional mill and converting it to organics. With this expansion, we are giving our customers in
Texas and the southwest better access to our soy-free, certifi ed organic feeds, livestock minerals and
other unique and special products for organic farming and gardening.

We are working to make organics more accessible. We are driven by a vibrant organic community that is
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feed grows birds that fi ll out beautifully, fl ourish and lay delicious, nutritious eggs. Eggs that make happy,
healthy customers (and a more sustainable environment). The way it was meant to be.
We also make soy-free, certifi ed organic feeds for goats, swine, sheep, ducks, turkeys, calves, cattle, dairy
cattle, alpacas and horses as well as certifi ed organic, kelp-based minerals for cattle, sheep, goats and
horses. And we carry unique and special products that are hard to get, like Icelandic Kelp, CoolStance®
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Earth. We are committed to continuous improvement in sustainable foods, feeds, organic farming prac-
tices, and the elimination of toxins in the nutrient cycle.
Thank you for supporting the organic community!

p 55-59 Recycled City.indd 59 10/5/16 2:16 PM
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