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Dennie Cody and DK Khattiya

My wife DK and I have been photographers together for 30 years while I have been working for 54 years. We reside in Bangkok and enjoy our mutual love of photography.

#98.3 "Wabi-Sabi Photo Project" October 2021
A collection of images for the "Wabi-Sabi Photo Project" by the members of Bangkok Photographers Group (BPG) in October 2021.
Dennie Cody and DK Khattiya
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"2020 Vision" Published in 2020
the "2020 Vision" book is the first annual collection of the best images of the year, It is the vision of 44 photographers this year as shaped by their creativity. They are from 15 countries but share a love of photography, an international language.
Dennie Cody and DK Khattiya
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"Cats" a special issue July 15, 2016
Photographs of cats by members of the Bangkok Photographers Group (BPG) taken from June 2014 until July 2016 on our monthly photo walks in Bangkok. Thanks to the 81 photographers with images to this collection. We hope all cat lovers love this issue....
Dennie Cody and DK Khattiya
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"Dogs" a special issue July 19, 2016
Photographs of dogs by members of the Bangkok Photographers Group (BPG) taken from June 2014 until June 2016 during our monthly photo walks in Bangkok. 87 photographers contributed images to this collection. We hope all dog lovers love this issue....
Dennie Cody and DK Khattiya
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"Hidden Gem" Photo Walk on June 22, 2014
Dennie Cody and DK Khattiya
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"Vision 2021"
The "Vision 2021” book is a collection of the best images of the year 2021 by members of the Bangkok Photographers Group (BPG), The 312 images reflects the rich talents of the contributing photographers.
Dennie Cody and DK Khattiya
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#1 dcdkSee* February 2021
The first edition of photographs by DK Khattiya and Dennie Cody
Dennie Cody and DK Khattiya
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#10 dcdkSee* Magazine "Look" issue April 2022
A collection of photographs by DK Khattiya and Dennie Cody from Thailand and Florida.
Dennie Cody and DK Khattiya
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#100 "Pratunam" Photo Walk February 13, 2022
A collection of photographs by members of the Bangkok Photographers Group (BPG) from the One Hundredth (100th) Photo Walk in Bangkok over the last 11 years. The last walk organized by DK and Dennie.
Dennie Cody and DK Khattiya
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#11 dcdkSee* "Songkhla" Mag May 2022
Dennie Cody and DK Khattiya
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#12a Trip Zine 2022 rev July 24, 2022
A collection of Photographs by Dennie Cody from the
Dennie Cody and DK Khattiya
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#12b The Trip Zine Street People 2022
A collection of street photographs of people by Dennie Cody from our summer trip of May to August 2022 to the USA and Europe.
Dennie Cody and DK Khattiya
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#13 Ambiguous Images Zine 2022
A collection of Ambiguous Photographs by Dennie Cody from our trip from May to August 2022
Dennie Cody and DK Khattiya
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#14 Bangkok In the Street
A collection of photographs entitled "Bangkok In the Street" by Dennie Cody from the first months of 2023
Dennie Cody and DK Khattiya
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#15 Seats 2023
A collection of photographs by Dennie Cody featuring "Seats" from years of sitting.
Dennie Cody and DK Khattiya
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#16 underfoot
A collection of photographs by Dennie Cody from looking down into the world 'underfoot'.
Dennie Cody and DK Khattiya
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#2 dcdkSee* March 2021
A collection of photographs by DK Khattiya and Dennie Cody from Thailand
Dennie Cody and DK Khattiya
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#28 "Hidden Gem" June 22, 2014
A collection of photographs by member of BPG (Bangkok Photographers Group) during the Bangkok Photo Walk on June 22, 2014
Dennie Cody and DK Khattiya
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#29 Wong Wian Yai Walk August 3. 2014
This month's edition is from Photo Walk #29 "Wong Wian Yai", with 57 members of the Bangkok Photographers Group. We are adding a new feature "Photographer Member of the Month" and our first honoree is Jacqui Cuthbertson. Congratulations Jacqui!!!
Dennie Cody and DK Khattiya
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#3 dcdkSee• Pattaya April 2021
A collection of images from Pattaya city curing our recent visit there in March 2021.
Dennie Cody and DK Khattiya
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