NZ Hunter – August 2019
NEW MODELS 4-21x52 CDS-ZL2 Duplex 4-21x52 CDS-TZL3 TMOA this example). The beauty of a release with these programmable functions ...
AL L HU TN NI B^ G (^) O SWO LA (^) L UH NT IN G^ B OWS O LIFE TIME WARRANTY Lifetime Warranty on these top quality products: AD ...
Big Game Licence WRITTEN BY ~ POINTSSOUTH It seems the vast majority of New Zealand hunters respect our big game animals as the ...
Group Financial Report FOR THE YEAR ENDED 28TH FEBRUARY 2018 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Revenue & Expenses for ...
ways that the GAC can go about getting funding to get results for all of us. Let’s just also be clear that the GAC is made up of ...
Makin g^ m emo ries mmme eemmmooor rriiieees last^ a^ li feti me SIG SAUER Electro-Optics transforms hunting with the unpreceden ...
the next week I created a home-made automatic grain feeder. In essence it was simply a bucket with a hole in the bottom to which ...
ABOUT THE PHEASANT The first New Zealand pheasants arrived from England in 1842 and were released in the Wellington area, with s ...
... MID & TOP Robinson Huts WRITTEN BY ~ANDREW BUGLASS The Mid & Top Robinson huts aren’t Permolat projects ...
until those wood stoves are cranked up. In summer the ambience is more inviting, as are the numerous green pools in the river wh ...
AGE THE Bull This is the 23 rd in our series of guess the age of the bull. We are asking for anyone who has a good photo or seri ...
THE WINNER OF OUR READERS GUESSES AND THE STONEY CREEK PRIZE FOR ISSUE 71 IS: Lachie McPhail also guessed right, but lost the to ...
The other day Gazza and I were discussing a diseased lamb carcass I’d found during the course of my work as a meat inspector Gaz ...
Monogastric We’ll start with monogastric. Monogastric animals have simple, single-chambered stomachs. These include pigs, dogs, ...
Cardio Condtioning C ON DITIONE D F O R THE CHA SE MCCORMACKMICHAEL We all do 'cardio', but why? Your heart is a ‘cardiac’ muscl ...
Rangitoto summit run after a 4.6km kayak paddle. There are no shortage of hills to climb in NZ Carrying a full pack will be easi ...
supervised approach. You can sign up to organised events ahead of time for things like a 5km, 10km, half-marathon, swim, run, bi ...
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- 021 187 3209 - 'ƵŝĚĞĚ ,ƵŶƟŶŐdŽƵƌƐη ĂƐƚ ĂƉĞ- ZĂƵŬƵŵĂƌĂ&ŽƌĞ ...
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