Hello Mornings How to Build a Grace-Filled, Life-Giving Morning Routine

(Grace) #1
Community and Accountability


  • Why am I doing this?

  • What is my plan of action?

  • What reward do I want to see?

  • How will I reward myself when I get it done?

  • How can I set up passive external accountability (charts
    on the fridge, daily posting updates on social media,
    and the like)?

Many women who decide to take our thirty- day
challenge— I’ll call them “Julie”— take an approach similar
to the following scenario: To get started on her three- minute
morning thirty- day challenge, Julie printed out our habit
tracker and posted it on her refrigerator. She didn’t have to
say anything to her family, but she marked off each day as she
completed it, knowing that her loved ones watched her pro-
gress and held her accountable to sticking with it.

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