Building Strong Families

(Wang) #1

Davis, Harold, 24-25
Decision-making, 44-45, 83, 111
Desire, 40-41, 82-83
Divorce, 21, 22, 23
Dobson, James, 66
Domesticity, 154
Doriani, Daniel, 52
Draayer, Donald, 161-162

Egalitarian view, 31, 35, 49-58, 62, 65-
66, 69-78, 80, 85
Elliff, Tom, 23
Equality, 44-47, 59-62, 63-65, 69-78,
Evangelical feminists, 80
Evangelicalism, 65-67, 80

Fall (of mankind), 32, 33, 116
False teaching, 68-69
Family devotions, 19, 107-108
Family Needs Survey, 21, 28
Family, reforming the, 15 (Chapter 1
FamilyLife, 11, 21, 25
“FamilyLife Today” radio show, 111
Femininity, 147 (Chapter 7 passim)
Forgiveness, 225

Garrett, Duane, 118, 125
Gifts, 124
Gledhill, Tom, 117
God, role in Trinity, 59-62, 63, 69, 102
God’s creation of sex, 124-130
God’s glory, 91 (Chapter 3 passim),
104, 149
God’s primacy, 91 (Chapter 3 passim)
Grace, 183-184
Gray, John, 63
Greek literature, 56-58, 84

Headship, 32, 33, 44-47, 49-58, 83-84,
101 (Chapter 4 passim), 155
Helper, woman as, 33, 39-40, 151-155
Heterosexuality, 116, 125
Hodge, Charles, 69

Holiness, 104, 215
Holy Spirit, 30-31, 156
role in Trinity, 59-62, 69
Home, the, 217 (Chapter 13 passim)
Hospitality, 154
Hove, Richard, 50
Humility, 222-223
Hunt, Susan, 152, 155, 159
as intercessor, 103-104
as king, 109-113
as priest, 102-105
as prophet, 102, 105-109
as worship leader, 102-103
Husband’s role in romance, 117-121,
123-124, 125-126

“I Still Do” event, 25-27
Image, created in God’s, 29-32, 33, 78-
79, 151
Institutes of the Christian Religion
(Calvin), 102
Intimate Allies (Allender and Longman),

James, John Angell, 154, 158
Judgment, 211-212, 224

Keillor, Garrison, 135
Keller, Helen, 213

Leader, Adam as, 34-35
Leadership, 110-113, 212-216
Lewis, C. S., 110
Lincoln, Abraham, 24
Listening to spouse’s viewpoint, 31, 80
Longman, Tremper III, 111-112
“Love Her More and Love Her Less,”

Male dominance, 30, 31, 46, 69-78, 79,
Man (males)
as friend, 138, 141-142
as king, 137, 138-139


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