A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


Suggested Duration
2-3 minutes
Bene ts
This is a great standing yin pose that yields to gravity, providing decom-
pression for the spine, shoulders, and elbows. It also provides a gentle
release for the hamstrings and the back of the knees.
Risks and Contraindications
Avoid this pose if you have high blood pressure, glaucoma, or vertigo.
Modify it if you have low blood pressure or lower-back pain. If you feel
tingling or loss of sensation in the hands, release the arms and simply
hang like a rag doll.
Alignment Points

  • Begin in a standing position, with the feet hip-width apart.

  • Reach the arms over the head and then fold the torso out over the

  • Grab opposite elbows with opposite hands to create a box or frame
    around the head.

  • Allow the head and neck to completely relax.

  • Gently sway side to side or lightly bounce up and down.


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