A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1
Suggested Duration
2-3 minutes
Bene ts
This pose stretches the hips; lengthens the lower back; and strengthens
the pelvic  oor, legs, and calves. It also improves focus and can relieve
back pain.
Risks and Contraindications
This pose is contraindicated for students with knee or hip pain.
Alignment Points

  • Begin in a dangling standing forward bend (page 108), and then
    step to the side so the feet are wider than the hips and the toes are
    turned out.

  • Allow the tailbone to melt toward the  oor until the sitz bones are a
    few inches above the mat.

  • Press the outside edges of the feet to the  oor while lifting the inner

  • Bring the hands together in prayer and press the elbows into the
    knees and the knees into the elbows.


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