A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1
Suggested Duration
2-5 minutes
Bene ts
This is a calming pose that teaches proper posture and promotes
internal re ection. It is a common posture used for pranayama and
meditation practices. Easy seated pose is a modi cation for the  re
log pose (page 126).
Risks and Contraindications
Modify the pose if you have knee pain, tight hips, or low-back pain.
Alignment Points

  • Start in a seated position and root the sitz bones to the mat.

  • Cross the shins and allow the ankles to rest under the knees
    with the outer edges of the feet in contact with the  oor. Ac-
    tively  ex the feet to protect the knees.

  • Stack the shoulders over the hips and align the crown of the
    head over the shoulders, keeping the chin parallel to the  oor.

  • Gaze ahead, relax the shoulders back, and draw the front of the
    ribs down, with the belly pulling in slightly.

  • Place the hands of top of the thighs or rest them comfortably in
    the lap.


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