Interpretation and Method Empirical Research Methods and the Interpretive Turn
EVALUATIVE CRITERIA AND EPISTEMIC COMMUNITIES 93 Altogether, the data retained in their diverse forms—what might be termed the g ...
94 MEANING AND METHODOLOGY criterion of “internal validity,” which emerges from positivist concerns, they propose a reconfigured ...
EVALUATIVE CRITERIA AND EPISTEMIC COMMUNITIES 95 findings were valid and procedures robust. That situation is changing, but slow ...
96 MEANING AND METHODOLOGY Table 5.2Interpretive Approaches to Evaluative Criteria: Selected Later Texts 1 Brower, Lincoln Abola ...
EVALUATIVE CRITERIA AND EPISTEMIC COMMUNITIES 97 At an operational level, attempting to specify techniques that can be used to v ...
98 MEANING AND METHODOLOGY Table 5.3Criteria and Techniques in Selected Literature(where relevant, techniques are listed below t ...
EVALUATIVE CRITERIA AND EPISTEMIC COMMUNITIES 99 Dependability Dependability Criticality Dependability Dependability Checking ...
100 MEANING AND METHODOLOGY interpretive study?, reading the criteria literature suggests that there is little consensus. I show ...
EVALUATIVE CRITERIA AND EPISTEMIC COMMUNITIES 101 Admittedly, drawing on texts is an imperfect indicator of teaching and researc ...
102 MEANING AND METHODOLOGY overall quality of a research study and the degree to which others—scholars, laypeople, policy actor ...
EVALUATIVE CRITERIA AND EPISTEMIC COMMUNITIES 103 example, if “I trust you,” we can pursue a project together. Likewise, if the ...
104 MEANING AND METHODOLOGY than yours?” Informant feedback/member checks is a specific way that researchers test their own mean ...
EVALUATIVE CRITERIA AND EPISTEMIC COMMUNITIES 105 et al. 1977 [1961], or addicts, as in Burns 1980); to providing a critical, ev ...
106 MEANING AND METHODOLOGY “thick description” and the notion of “immersion” in the field or the data, which imply more syner- ...
EVALUATIVE CRITERIA AND EPISTEMIC COMMUNITIES 107 a term used in the criteria literature or in research methods texts. The liter ...
108 MEANING AND METHODOLOGY Again, there are interconnections between negative case analysis and other techniques and crite- ria ...
EVALUATIVE CRITERIA AND EPISTEMIC COMMUNITIES 109 The related move, which strengthens the previous one considerably, is to note ...
110 MEANING AND METHODOLOGY If, on the one hand, developing a single set of evaluative criteria is inconsistent with interpre- t ...
EVALUATIVE CRITERIA AND EPISTEMIC COMMUNITIES 111 sented in the handbook edited by Denzin and Lincoln (2000), the kind of resear ...
112 MEANING AND METHODOLOGY been innovative in pursuit of the ideal, cross-checking meaning making between participants in a sin ...
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