Religion and the Human Future An Essay on Theological Humanism
The Task of Theological Humanism 156 happens can be traced back to divine activity, where “God” is caught up in a life-and-death ...
Religion and Spiritual Integrity 157 reductive naturalism, and materialism. Scientism means that only scientific inquiry is rati ...
The Task of Theological Humanism 158 among others, have become bestsellers and have engendered a debate about the relative merit ...
Religion and Spiritual Integrity 159 in tandem with the universal structures of human nature to produce the manifold of human so ...
The Task of Theological Humanism 160 true religion? How can we produce a third way of thinking about religion that respects and ...
Religion and Spiritual Integrity 161 it is humanly impossible to adjudicate among them and to discover which of them is really t ...
The Task of Theological Humanism 162 ing the actual religions according to the idea and norm of the integrity of life. Just as t ...
Religion and Spiritual Integrity 163 not only militancy but also certainty in their propositional beliefs. They both seek and fi ...
The Task of Theological Humanism 164 humanism, to repeat, is not a version of religious humanism in these customary forms, tradi ...
Religion and Spiritual Integrity 165 apathy and lack of commitment. There are resources for this struggle. Theological humanism ...
Living Theological Humanism^10 Some of the most ancient and yet always pressing questions in human existence are how we ought to ...
Living Theological Humanism 167 an instrumental thinking for which nothing has intrinsic worth. Over-humanization has brought ou ...
The Task of Theological Humanism 168 or instrumental, which perfects ever more efficient and profitable means to achieve the bot ...
Living Theological Humanism 169 and its conferring the grace of ultimate meaningfulness onto human under-standing. Only with a s ...
The Task of Theological Humanism 170 shape any person’s or community’s actual life. This is the work of freedom and responsibili ...
Living Theological Humanism 171 of goods that permeate life (pleasure, pain, and sympathy; recognition, shame, and benevolence; ...
The Task of Theological Humanism 172 are “things in between,” for a theological humanist. We exist between those realities that ...
Living Theological Humanism 173 They provide resources for the imagination which can combat the flattening of the world. True, h ...
The Task of Theological Humanism 174 extremes of doubt and certainty, always one’s outlook and stance in life thereby better to ...
Living Theological Humanism 175 of other forms of life. In this respect, an essay is a practical wager and not a proof. It is no ...
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