
(itemelite) #1


The next section in your sales letter, after the headline, is the problem. The
problem is where you present what it is that the prospect is there for. You want
to identify what they are experiencing, what it is that they are having a problem
with. Every digital product is a solution for something, so you want to make
sure you’re really identifying the problem to get them to buy the solution.
People are at your site because they have found your headline reveals that you
have an answer. Use the problem section to really bond with your prospect. If
people can feel that you have experienced what they have, then they keep

That is why it is so important that you see the problem through your prospect's
eyes. Think about when you broke up with a boyfriend or girlfriend. Maybe it’s
a song that makes you sad, or driving past a restaurant you two frequented is
upsetting. There are common elements across everybody who has been through
a breakup; it’s just a fact of human nature. The problem is going to be relevant to
the story behind it. If the prospect hasn’t been through what it is you’re
describing as the problem, they probably wouldn’t visit your site in the first

It is a unique kind of pain that you can key into in your sales copy, and every
problem has that kind of pain. You need to actually find out what it is they are
feeling, and try to understand what you may be doing to get through it. It’s
going to make the prospect understand that you know what it’s like to be where
you’re and it will bond you to your prospect. If they realize that you know what
you’re talking about and you have figured out an answer, they will keep reading.

Posing the problem in the form of a story is a must. You can even begin with
“I’m going to tell you a story.” People love stories because they break them of
their trance and existence, if even for a short time. People love living life
through others, hence the popularity of reality TV shows. How many hours do

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