
(itemelite) #1


Growing a strong email list is all about turning clicks into leads, so that you can
mail to them and drive revenue into your business.

There’s a trick there though...

You have to give your visitors something of value that’ll get them to fill their
email address into your opt-in box!

Let’s face it, the Internet is a big place and almost every topic known to man is
beaten to death in various blogs, forum posts, and news outlets. What makes
your lead magnet so special that they can only get it from you?

That’s what we’re going to talk about in this chapter. And the first thing we
need to cover is what constitutes a good lead magnet.

Then, of course, we’re going to talk about how to create one!

The Most Important Part of Your Lead Magnet

The first thing we need to get out in the open is that most lead magnets suck.
The reason you don’t get more than 15% conversions on landing pages doesn’t
have anything to do with the page itself...

It’s your lead magnet!

The key is to be specific – to let a prospect know exactly what they’re
downloading. What does a super specific lead magnet title let you do on the

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