
(itemelite) #1

little higher than others, because people haven't seen them as often. Make
sure to test different signup pages as you go, too. If 1,000 people see a
page, a 1% difference means 10 more people.

Say you have a couple of webinars in a row, have the first webinar be
your constant, your control, and then on the next webinar, test a little bit
of a different headline. If you can bump your conversion percentage by
1%, that means 10 more people that are thinking about buying.

Later in this book we’re going to go through different numbers, EPCs,
EPAs, and that's all money. That's cash in the bank stuff. Just having a
1% conversion increase on your signup page can be the difference of
$5,000 or $10,000 in sales, once it all washes out at the end.

Your signup page really is the beginning of where you can start testing
and making differences, making the changes and tweaks that make you a
lot of money.

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