Leisure Painter - UK (2019 - Summer)

(Antfer) #1

16 SUMMER 2019 http://www.painters-online.co.uk



Step 13
Wet the area to the
left of the cormorant,
and add some more
of the stronger mix
of French ultramarine
and burnt umber,
drawing it down into
the wet area. This will
give the impression
that the rocky shelf
is emerging from
behind the foam.


Step 12
Change to the No. 6 brush, and use the same mix of French
ultramarine and burnt umber to strengthen the shadow on the
right-hand side of the shelf. Once dry, add fracture lines to the
shelf using the No. 1 Rigger, again with the dark grey mix.

Step 11
Use the 12mm (^1 ⁄ 2 in.) flat synthetic brush to add short, broken parallel
lines of the stronger grey mix of French ultramarine and burnt
umber to the shelf of rock. Split the bristles and use the brush to add
textural colour and detail, adding in touches of yellow ochre, too.


Step 10
Load the No. 1 Rigger with the same
stronger grey mix of French ultramarine
and burnt umber to develop the mid-
ground rock face, creating fracture lines

Step 9
Use the damp ‘blade’ of the 12mm
(^1 ⁄ 2 in.) flat synthetic brush to refine
and sharpen the top edge of the
lifted-out rocky shelf.

with the point and general texture with
the side of the bristles. Create more
texture on the left-hand side using the
No. 4 Round brush in the same way. Work
down to, but not over, the lifted-out area.

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