
(John Hannent) #1

shortage of options for, 15 , 23 , 75– 76

by working-class vs. elite men, 80


born outside marriage, 41

cousins in social lives of, 40

elites’ talk with, 28– 29

of other families, working class caring for, 39

parenting approaches to, 53– 57

poverty among, 3 , 102

civics education, 105– 106

civil liberties, 116

civil rights legislation, 122– 123

class. See also elites; middle class; poor, the; working class

as cultural tradition, 12

definitions and use of terms for, 9– 12

education as proxy for, 12 , 43

shared language for, lack of, 11

class callousness, 2 , 130

class cluelessness

benefits of ending, 110– 112

among politicians, 12 , 73 , 121– 122

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