
(John Hannent) #1

family relationships of, 29 , 36 , 50– 51 , 111– 112

on fears of Trump supporters, 65

class privilege

displays of, 31

and gender in hiring, 55

and racism, 63

climate change, 116

Clinton, Bill, 23 , 123 , 125

Clinton, Hillary

arguments against Trump, 77 , 78– 79

on “deplorables,” 68

educational level of supporters of, 12

on glass ceiling, 73– 74 , 77

Trump’s threats to jail, 106

union support for, 126– 127

white working class in coalition of, 125

and working-class men, 78– 80

and working-class women, 75 , 77

clique networks, 35– 36 , 48


evolution of, 111– 113 , 122– 125

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