
(John Hannent) #1

racism among, 61– 62 , 63

social codes of, 45

stay-at-home motherhood among, 76– 77

values of ( see values)

work devotion among, 37– 38 , 57 , 77

work ethic of, 20 , 37– 38

working-class resentment of, 25– 34

work in identity of, 37– 38

professional-managerial elite (PME), definition and use of term, 10. See also professional

progressive coalition, 111– 113. See also liberals

Protestant work ethic, 37

prove-it-again bias, 62 , 71 , 79

public housing subsidies, 100

public opinion

on corporations, 102– 103

on government benefits, gaps in, 97– 101

on government benefits, how to improve, 101– 107

on role of government, 100– 102

public safety, government role in, 101

race baiting, 59– 60

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