Communication Between Cultures
Speculation Most people, from the moment of their birth to the time of their death, face many of the same challenges concerning ...
In the case of Buddhism, there is not a universal scripture written down by Buddha, but the Pali Canon is based on oral traditio ...
pay his or her respects to Buddha. The Protestant typically has a worship service with a sermon as a vital part of their ritual. ...
they seek to accomplish by the formation of ethical principles is to“enable their adherents to achieve the ultimate objective of ...
found, there stands at the center a profound and enduring commitment to the person of Jesus Christ.”^60 Core Assumptions In spit ...
affiliation, but a concrete group of people that entered into a relationship with Jesus and with other people.”^64 The gathering ...
in general and more specifically to the manner in which Jesus lived his life. The story of Jesus is a vivid example of how Chris ...
Christianity and Ethics Because the basic theme of this section concerns the ways religion is reflected in daily activity, it se ...
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the sons of God. Bles ...
in 1 Peter 1:3–4:“...God has something stored up for you in heaven, where it will never decay or be ruined or disappear.”These w ...
Origins Judaism was founded in approximately 1300 BCE, when twelve Israelite tribes came to Canaan from Mesopotamia. Later, many ...
Branches of Judaism Judaism, like the other major traditions, has experienced a variety of configura- tions and divisions since ...
Cultural Expressions of Judaism As was the case with Christianity, the issue for students of intercultural communica- tion is cl ...
books of Moses. Second, they are the chosen people of God, having an eternal covenant with him. Third, they are a witness that G ...
community of Jews and a person’s immediate family. One of the ways Jews have dealt with centuries of hardship was to turn to bot ...
natural process. According to 2 Samuel 14:14,“We must all die; we are like water spilt on the ground, which cannot be gathered u ...
Origins One of the major contentions of this book is that there are connections among culture, history, family, and religion. Yo ...
sovereignty to another body. Regardless of your personal reaction to the specific event, you can recall the protests and even vi ...
the only example of utterances that represent the Islamic theological concept that destiny unfolds according to God’s will. Fara ...
2.Prayer (Salat).Prayer is a central ritual, performed five times a day—at dawn, at noon, in the mid-afternoon, after sunset, an ...
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