Communication Between Cultures
are much more concerned with the self than are others and therefore devote a great deal of energy to watching and even worrying ...
A little farther across the continuum are those messages that produce only a mental response. If someone says to you,“The United ...
For example, during a single interaction there are six“people”involved: (1) the per- son that you imagine yourself to be, (2) th ...
to be a successful communicator. For example, learning how to compromise, show empathy, and listen intently can be learned. Solo ...
Some people in many parts of the world put dogs in their ovens, but people in the United States put them on their couches and b ...
explanations of illness and death to how to find a mate, culture provides you with structure and direction. To further explain t ...
characteristics facilitates your appreciation of the importance and influence of culture on human behavior. Second, as we review ...
of people. Haviland and his associates explain this“sharing”process:“As a shared set of ideas, values, perceptions, and standard ...
Symbols such as flags, wedding rings, gestures, words, dress, objects, statues, and reli- gious icons all have message value. Th ...
So important are symbols to the study of intercultural communication that we have set aside Chapter 8 (verbal messages) and Chap ...
(your parents kiss you, and you learn about kissing—whom, when, and where to kiss), observation (you observe your parents kneeli ...
When a child finds money on the playground and his parents ask him to return the funds, the child is learning about honesty. Wh ...
sensitive job by learning proverbs of the foreign language”^36 that they will be inter- preting. As Mieder notes,“Studying prove ...
hangs the fruit of tranquility. Hopi Indian:Eating little and speaking little can hurt no man. Hindustan:From opening the mouth, ...
The communication and social interactive dimensions of these narratives can be seen as a form of“teaching”about culture. They ar ...
Mexican mothers and grandmothers tell the Mayan folktale“The Story of Mariano the Buzzard”to teach children to work hard and not ...
Because art is part of each culture’s identity, people throughout the world feel a great historical, emotional, and spiritual at ...
into the people of the Renaissance can be gleaned by observing the popularity of por- traits. In China, the goal was to commemor ...
Facebook pages that personal pictures of oneself and others is the most common subject matter. This disparity reflects a differe ...
and contribute to shaping our beliefs and values. Media offer, as Williams notes, “mass social learning.”^63 The overabundance o ...
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