A90 Glossary/Index
mass shooting in, 131, 368
midterm congressional election in
(2018), 335, 335
presidential campaign and election
in (2016), 283, 304, 305, 307
Nevada Department of Human
Resources v. Hibbs, 91
New Deal, 5 76 –7 7, 577 The set of
policies proposed by President
Franklin Roosevelt and enacted by
Congress between 1933 and 1935 to
promote economic recovery and
social welfare during the Great
bureaucracy growth in, 4 67, 467– 68
and federal government power, 82,
88, 378
and party system, 267, 267
and presidential power, 422, 422
social policy in, 576–77, 5 7 7, 584
and Supreme Court, 57, 61, 65, 494,
501, 520, 522
New Hampshire, 47, 50, 283, 303–4
New Jersey, 47, 507, 507
New Jersey Plan, 42, 43 , 62 A plan that
was suggested in response to the
Virginia Plan; smaller states at the
Constitutional Convention proposed
that each state should receive equal
representation in the national legis-
lature, regardless of size.
news, political information in. See polit-
ical information
News Corp/21st Century Fox, 236, 237
circulation trends, 237
historical role of, 231
leaking information to, 244–45
market forces on, 254
media conglomerates in, 236, 237
recent changes in, 239
and yellow journalism, 235
Newtown, Connecticut, Sandy Hook
Elementary School in, 131, 250, 251
New York, 34, 43
Antifederalists in, 49
at Constitutional Convention, 48
Ellis Island dispute with New Jersey,
507, 507
interstate commerce in, 78, 79
public prayer in, 114, 115
ratification of Constitution, 50, 51
slavery in, 47
Stonewall uprising in, 157, 158
“stop-and-frisk” policy in, 148, 149,
New York, Gitlow v., 112, 113
New York Federal Reserve, 548
New York Post, 238
New York Sun, 235
New York Times, 234, 235, 238, 243, 563
New York Tribune, 235
NextGen Climate Action, 362
Nicaragua, 620, 622
1984 (Or well), 136
Nineteenth Amendment, 62, 62, 156,
Ninth Amendment, 108, 113, 141
Ninth Circuit Court, 497
Nixon, Richard
affirmative action program of, 186,
approval rating of, 447
court nominations of, 503
economic policies on, 535
executive privilege of, 433, 437
foreign policy of, 622
presidential power of, 422
public opinion on, 222
resignation of, 446
Nixon, United States v., 433
Noah, Trevor, 236
No Child Left Behind Act (2001), 585,
6 07, 607
nominating conventions, 281, 282, 302–4
A meeting held by each party every
four years at which states’ delegates
select the party’s presidential and
vice-presidential nominees and
approve the party platform.
noncontributory social programs,
nongovernmental organizations, 636
Groups operated by private institu-
tions (rather than governments) to
promote growth, economic develop-
ment, and other agendas through-
out the world.
nonpartisan primary, 279
nonviolent protests, 167–70
norms, 21 Unwritten rules and informal
agreements among citizens and
elected officials about how govern-
ment and society should operate.
North American Free Trade Agree-
ment (NAFTA), 530, 544, 566, 623
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO), 621, 623, 630, 641–42
North Carolina
civil rights movement in, 167–68
presidential election in (2016),
305, 307
ratification of Constitution, 50, 51
slavery in, 47
social media restrictions for sex
offenders in, 123
voting districts in, 175, 176, 390, 393,
North Dakota, 141, 333
Northern Securities Company, 421
North Korea, 642
economic sanctions on, 649, 649
in Korean War, 621
nuclear weapons of, 30, 32, 56, 66,
616, 618, 636, 639, 639, 648–50
at Singapore Summit, 639
and Trump, 30, 31, 32, 54, 56, 66, 430,
617, 626, 638, 639, 649
North Vietnam, 622
notice-and-comment procedure, 457– 60,
464, 481 A step in the rule-making
process in which proposed rules are
published in the Federal Register
and made available for debate by the
general public.
nuclear technology
campaign ad on, 318, 319
of Iran, 314, 357, 429, 631, 640, 648
and mutually assured destruction,
of North Korea, 30, 32, 56, 66, 616,
618, 636, 639, 639, 648–50
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 629
nursing home care, 599
Obama, Barack
Affordable Care Act of. See Afford-
able Care Act
and Afghanistan, 54
appointments and nominations of,
55, 187, 426, 502, 503, 504, 504, 546
Nevada, (Continued)
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