
(singke) #1



■Use least possible force in dealing with shoplifters: no
physical injuries that require hospitalization.
■Maintain your own fitness levels to company standards
as measured each year.
■Reduce nonvalid shoplifting-related customer stops to
less than 5% of total stops.
■Maintain validated customer complaints about enforce-
ment practices to an average of less than one per
■Respond to staff requests for assistance within two
■Provide accurate follow-up and incident documenta-
tion promptly.
■Use verbal self-defense techniques to reduce the need
for force, to the satisfaction of the supervisor.
■Involve or refer to law enforcement officers as needed
and in accordance with company policy.
■Apply standard accident and criminal investigation
techniques in each situation.
■Gather evidence and prepare cases successfully for fil-
ing complaints, as verified by courts and the police.
■Use proper legal techniques for searching suspects.
■Use proper procedures for search and seizure, as veri-
fied by police.
■Use vehicle safely for patrol and pursuit, with no acci-
dents in which the police determine the security
employee to be at fault.
■Interview witnesses using proper questioning tech-
niques within the bounds of legality.
■Secure and monitor prisoners according to police
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