Model Aircraft – September 2019

(Nandana) #1
rudder and
elevators were
again pinned to the
plastic parts for extra strength. The
loats and landing gear legs had a metal
insert, cast in the resin, that made them strong
enough. That was a really clever solution from
Signiier. The biggest itting problem was the
attachment of the wing to the fuselage, and
here I had to use all my building repertoire,
including regular putty, CA glue, stretched
sprue and plastic card. I decided to close the
nose compartment, but the resin hatches were
designed to be posed open, so I had to build
new ones from scratch.
Painting started after masking the windows
and again I relied on the ‘black basing’
technique to represent worn paint. Then A
coat of Ammo by MIG One Shot Black Primer

was followed
by a sequence of Mr
Hobby Aqueous paints as follows. Representing
a weathered white colour is not easy, and my
attempt started with an Of-White ‘marbling
coat’ covered with a translucent coat the same
colour. Next pure white was applied to the
inside of every panel and red brown post-

shading was added to speciic lines where I
wanted a dirtier look. All this was then blended
with another translucent coat of the original
of-white. Not a quick process, but I was really
satisied with the result. The next colours
were applied in a more direct way, with just a
‘marbling’ pre-shade and an overcoat of the
inal shades, these being irst Intermediate
Blue and then Navy Blue last. All the
coats were always airbrushed
using very thinned paint, as
that’s the best way to take
control over the coverage
and opacity of the layers.
After a coat of Aqua
Gloss to sealed in the
painting work, I moved
to the decals, which were
incredibly thin and reacted
quite well to Ammo by MIG
Decal Set and Fix solutions. Then
another Aqua Gloss layer protected the decals
and I could start working on some weathering.
Unfortunately, there’s not much reference
material available on-line for War-era JRF-5s,
and despite being an amphibian aircraft,
most of images I found didn’t show much

A Dark Brown wash helped to
accent the details and give
some depth to the interior

With all interior components
complete, it was time to it
everything inside the fuselage

I had to improvise
new doors
for the nose


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