jenkins the definitive guide
(such as */.war, for any WAR file produced by the build job), or it can be much more precise (such as gameoflife-web/target/game ...
Figure 10.40. Running web tests against a copied WAR file The Copy Artifact plugin is not limited to fetching files from convent ...
Figure 10.41. Copying from a multiconfiguration build The Copy Artifacts plugin can duplicate any and all of the artifacts produ ...
into production. The full promotion strategy is illustrated in Figure 10.42, “Build jobs in the promotion process”. Figure 10.42 ...
Figure 10.43. Configuring a build promotion process Let’s look at configuring the automated promote-to-test build process. The f ...
Figure 10.44. Configuring a manual build promotion process Sometimes, it is useful to give some context to the person approving ...
Figure 10.45. Viewing the details of a build promotion Next you need to tell Jenkins what to do when the build is promoted. You ...
In the context of build promotion, a common strategy is to build your application once, and then to run tests against the genera ...
phoenix-integration build job, and not from the original phoenix-default build job (which may have been executed again in the me ...
the build promotion processes configured for the build job you are copying from. So, in Figure 10.51, “Fetching the latest promo ...
You can also use the “Promotion Status” menu entry (or click on the colored star in the build history) to view the details of a ...
Figure 10.54. Viewing aggregate test results For this to work correctly, you need to ensure that you have configured fingerprint ...
the next step in your project, and tick the “Require manual build executor” option (see Figure 10.55, “Configuring a manual step ...
Figure 10.57. Configuring a Build Pipeline view The most important thing to configure in this screen is the initial job. This ma ...
Figure 10.58. A Build Pipeline in action This plugin is still relatively new, and does not integrate with all of the other plugi ...
Chapter 11. Distributed Builds 11.1. Introduction Arguably one of the more powerful features of Jenkins is its ability to dispat ...
11.3. Master/Slave Strategies in Jenkins There are a number of different ways that you can configure set up a distributed build ...
To create a Unix-based slave, click on the New Node button as we mentioned above. This will prompt you to enter the name of your ...
The description is also purely for human consumption, and can be used to indicate why you would use this slave rather than anoth ...
Figure 11.4. Taking a slave off-line when idle The launch method is where you decide how Jenkins will start the node, as we ment ...
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