jenkins the definitive guide
12.3. Deploying to an Application Server Jenkins provides plugins to help you deploy your application to a number of commonly-us ...
may need to build from a given SCM revision, as discussed for Subversion in Section 10.2.4, “Building from a Subversion Tag”. 12 ...
Next, we use the Deploy plugin to deploy the WAR file to the test server. Of course it is generally possible, and not too diffic ... Deploying a version from a previous Jenkins build Redeploying a previously-deployed artifact in Jenkins is relatively ...
When the user selects a particular build job, the build number will also be stored in the environment variables for use in the b ...
Most of these options are fairly self-explanatory. The “latest successful build” is the most recent build excluding any failing ...
This is a convenient way to deploy or to redeploy artifacts from previous Jenkins build jobs. However, in some cases you may pre ...
A similar approach can be used for deployable artifacts such as WAR or EAR files—they are built and tested on the CI server, the ...
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=" XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation= ...
Figure 12.11. Deploying an artifact from a Maven repository The rest of this build job simply checks out the deployment project ...
specific revision or tag as described for Subversion in Section 10.2.4, “Building from a Subversion Tag” and for Git in Section ...
Once you have configured your hosts, you can set up your build jobs to deploy artifacts to these hosts. You can do this either a ...
Figure 12.15. Deploying files to a remote host in the post-build actions 12.4. Conclusion Automated Deployment, and in its most ...
Finally, if at all possible, it is important to build your deployable artifact once and once only, and then reuse it in subseque ...
Chapter 13. Maintaining Jenkins 13.1. Introduction In this chapter, we will be discussing a few tips and tricks that you might f ...
be kept to twenty, for example, Jenkins will only display graphs containing the last twenty data points, which can be a bit limi ...
Figure 13.3. Viewing disk usage This list is sorted by overall disk usage, so the projects using the most disk space are at the ...
Figure 13.5. Displaying project disk usage over time 13.2.2. Disk Usage and the Jenkins Maven Project Type If you are using the ...
If you tick the “Disable automatic artifact archiving” checkbox here, Jenkins will refrain from storing the jar files your proje ...
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