jenkins the definitive guide
2.2.1. Installing Java The first thing you will need to install on your machine is Java. Jenkins is a Java web application, so y ...
2.2.2. Installing Git Since we will be using Git, you will need to install and configure Git on your machine. If you are new to ...
Figure 2.2. Signing up for a GitHub account 2.2.4. Configuring SSH Keys GitHub uses SSH keys to establish a secure connection be ...
$ git clone
[email protected]
:<username>/game-of-life.git This will “clone” (or check out, in Subversion terms) a copy of the ...
2.3. Starting Up Jenkins There are several ways to run Jenkins on your machine. One of the easiest ways to run Jenkins for the f ...
Java Web Start seems to work best on Firefox. When you click on the Launch button on either of these sites in Firefox, the brows ...
There are also installers available for the principal operating systems available on the Jenkins website^12. Or, if you are an e ...
2.4. Configuring the Tools Before we get started, we do need to do a little configuration. More precisely, we need to tell Jenki ...
Figure 2.9. The Configure Jenkins screen For now, you will just need to configure the tools required to build our sample project ...
For this to work, you need to have an Internet connection. If you are behind a proxy, you’ll need to provide your proxy informat ...
Figure 2.11. Configuring a JDK installation Now go to the bottom of the screen and click on the Save button. 2.4.3. Notification ...
Figure 2.12. Managing plugins in Jenkins For now, just click on the Available tab. Here you will see a very long list of availab ...
and running your unit tests. Or you might want a build job to do other related tasks, such as running your integration tests, me ...
Figure 2.14. Setting up your first build job in Jenkins Once you click on OK, Jenkins will display the project configuration scr ...
Figure 2.15. Telling Jenkins where to find the source code Once we have told Jenkins where to find the source code for our appli ...
Don’t worry if your Unix skills are a little rusty—if you click on the blue question mark icon on the side of the schedule box, ...
keeps track of how long your tests take to run, both globally, and per test—this can come in handy if you need to track down per ...
Figure 2.19. Your first build job running The build will also now figure proudly on your Jenkins server’s home page (see Figure ...
When the build finishes, the ball in the Build History box becomes solid blue. This means the build was a success. Build failure ...
} return cellRepresentedBySymbol; } public String getSymbol() { return symbol; } } The application can print the state of the gr ...
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