jenkins the definitive guide
link, which prevents any new builds from being started. Eventually, when all of the current builds have finished, you will be ab ...
The System Message field is useful for several purposes. This text is displayed at the top of your Jenkins home page. You can us ...
Figure 4.3. Configuring environment variables in Jenkins There are two ways you typically use these variables. Firstly, you can ...
In any case, it is always a wise practice to build your application using a version of Java that is close to the one running on ...
By default, Jenkins proposes to download the JDK from the Oracle website. If your Jenkins installation is behind a proxy server, ...
so forth. Each life cycle phase is associated with a Maven plugin. The various Maven plugins use the standard directory structur ...
Figure 4.8. Configuring system-wide MVN_OPTS 4.6.2. Ant Ant is a widely-used and very well-known build scripting language for Ja ...
Figure 4.9. Configuring Ant in Jenkins 4.6.3. Shell-Scripting Language If you are running your build server on Unix or Linux, Je ...
4.8. Configuring the Mail Server The last of the basic configuration options you need to set up is the email server configuratio ...
Figure 4.11. Configuring an email server in Jenkins to use a Google Apps domain 4.9. Configuring a Proxy In most enterprise envi ...
Figure 4.12. Configuring Jenkins to use a proxy Finally, if you are setting up Proxy access on your Jenkins build server, rememb ...
Chapter 5. Setting Up Your Build Jobs 5.1. Introduction Build jobs are the basic currency of a Continuous Integration server. A ...
application in many different environments, with different databases, or even on different build machines. We will be looking at ...
Figure 5.2. Creating a new build job The project name can be anything you like, but it is worth noting that it will be used for ...
In addition, Jenkins will never delete the last stable and successful builds, no matter how old they are. For example, if you li ...
changes were made that only affected it, and not the core module. A better approach is to use the “Block build when upstream pro ...
5.4.1. Working with Subversion Subversion is one of the most widely used version control systems, and Jenkins comes bundled with ...
where or when it is run. Locally changed source code files, and the presence of temporary files, both have the potential of comp ...
suppose you don’t want Jenkins to start a new build if only images have been changed. To do this, you could use a set of regular ... Installing the plugin The Git plugin is available in the Jenkins Plugin Manager and is documented on its own wiki page^ ...
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