Esprit Bonsai International – August 2019
38 - EspritBonsaiInternational #101 Botanical^ Profile Classification Family: Betulaceae Genus: Betula Species: Betula pendula T ...
#101 EspritBonsaiInternational - 39 Taxonomy Albrecht Wilhelm Roth (1757–1834) classified the silver birch in 1788. Albrecht Rot ...
40 - EspritBonsaiInternational #101 Treegazing As with most pine, the bark of this old Scots pine is deeply fissured. Beneath th ...
#101 EspritBonsaiInternational - 41 Asusedbyhumans Humanshavealwaysfounda useforthebarkoftreesandnot justasa woodby-product.They ...
42 - EspritBonsaiInternational # 101 Shohin: Small Bonsais The drama of deadwood Author: Morten Albek Juniperus chinensis is a t ...
# 101 EspritBonsaiInternational - 43 away all the soft wood, and safely treating it with a lime sulphur product that both bleach ...
44 - EspritBonsaiInternational # 101 �Shohin: Small Bonsais ••• The branch was stripped of all its needles. A pair of jin pliers ...
# 101 EspritBonsaiInternational - 45 Wiring branches First I arranged the lowest branches to the left, which was important for t ...
46 - EspritBonsaiInternational # 101 �Shohin: Small Bonsais H A branchgrowingat the inner curveisremoved. I Oftenthistypeofgrowt ...
# 101 EspritBonsaiInternational - 47 Thejuniper hasreacheda heightof 19 cm (7½ inches), qualifying for the shohin bonsai categor ...
48 - EspritBonsaiInternational # 101 Health and aftercare When I am styling branches I ensure enough foliage is present to secur ...
#101 EspritBonsaiInternational - 49 In Detail Preparing a tree for a demonstration Ideally, one should prepare a yamadori some y ...
A B 50 - EspritBonsaiInternational #101 �^ In Detail ••• There are some wonderful twisted shapes beneath the foliage, and one mu ...
#101 EspritBonsaiInternational - 51 Preparing for bending The time has come to prepare for the two bending procedures. Bandaging ...
52 - EspritBonsaiInternational #101 �^ In Detail Placing the ratchet strap The strap is wound several times round an anchor poin ...
#101 EspritBonsaiInternational - 53 ••• This is the result obtained in a few hours. One still needs to put in a few fine tension ...
54 - EspritBonsaiInternational #101 In Detail A boxwood’s development This little Corbières boxwood tree was the subject of an a ...
#101 EspritBonsaiInternational - 55 A “girder” of thick wire had been placed along the fragile parts to prevent them from moving ...
56 - EspritBonsaiInternational #101 Spotlight on Broadleaves Created by Laurent Darrieux [LAW] and Hervé Dora [Vev], the Burton ...
#101 EspritBonsaiInternational - 57 developing techniques over more than 12 years to create fantastical bonsai. Since the style ...
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