Pipes 163 When was the last time your Unix workstation was as useful as a Macin- tosh? When was the last time it ran programs fr ...
164 csh, pipes, and find “There are no Unix experts, in the naive sense of an exalted group whose knowledge is exhaustive and wh ...
Find 165 designed with a human user and modern networking in mind. The Unix file finder program, find, wasn’t designed to work w ...
166 csh, pipes, and find po> Hey, now the files are there! Just have to remember to cd to random directories in order to get ...
Find 167 I don’t want to have to check out every directory in the tree I give to find—that should be find’s job, dammit. I don’t ...
168 csh, pipes, and find ... Great. The shell thinks curly brackets are expendable. % find. -name ’*.el’ -exec echo test -f ’{}’ ...
Find 169 % find. -name ’.el’ -exec echo test -f "echo ’{}’ |\ sed ’s/$/c/’" \; Variable syntax. % find. -name ’.el’ \ -exec echo ...
170 csh, pipes, and find Hey, that last one was kind of close. Now I just need to... % find. -name ’*.el’ \ -exec echo test -f ’ ...
Find 171 ...
9 Programming.................................................................... Programming Hold Still, This Won’t Hurt a Bit ...
174 Programming However, the Unix kernels, shell, and C language taken together address some large-scale issues that are not han ...
The Wonderful Unix Programming Environment 175 The Wonderful Unix Programming Environment The Unix zealots make much of the Unix ...
176 Programming The designers of the Interlisp environment had a completely different approach. They decided to develop large so ...
Programming in Plato’s Cave 177 Unix programmers are like mathematicians. It’s a curious phenomenon we call “Programming by Impl ...
178 Programming we wrote a recursive-descent parser for Lisp. It took about 250 lines of C. If the parser had been written in Li ...
Programming in Plato’s Cave 179 whether the files are out of date with respect to each other. A small depen- dency graph, or Mak ...
180 Programming program: source1.o source2.o cc -o program source1.o source2.o # I'm debugging source1.c -Dennis source1.o: sour ...
Programming in Plato’s Cave 181 Dennis never found the problem with his Makefile. He’s now stuck in a dead-end job where he has ...
182 Programming but Joey doesn’t know that. Or maybe he is using quotes but is using a compiler with slightly different search r ...
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