rn, trn: You Get What You Pay for 103 +[1]-[1]-(1) -[2]-[*] | +-[1] +-[5] +[3] -[2] No, we don’t know what it means either, but ...
104 Snoozenet ----- Transcript of session follows ----- >>> RCPT To:<rs/tmp/alt/sys/
[email protected]
> < ...
Seven Stages of Snoozenet 105 To help lessen the frequency of frequently asked questions, many news- groups have volunteers who ...
106 Snoozenet Simple enough for you? It’s not enough that the creature be dead, it *must* be a baby—capeesh? This person is clea ...
Seven Stages of Snoozenet 107 at it this way: at least they haven’t overwhelmed us yet. Most of the jokes in rec.humor.dead.babe ...
108 Snoozenet I urge everyone to vote against this proposal. The current system works, and we shouldn’t push at it, lest it brea ...
Seven Stages of Snoozenet 109 Nostalgia Well, they’ve just created rec.humor.ethnic.newfoundland.bizarre. My, how things have gr ...
110 ...
6 Terminal Insanity Curses! Foiled Again! Unix is touted as an interactive system, which means that programs interact with the u ...
112 Terminal Insanity control sequences to accomplish similar functions. Programmers had to find a way to deal with the differen ...
The Magic of Curses 113 As a result, Unix never developed a rational plan or model for programs to interact with a VDT. Half-imp ...
114 Terminal Insanity For many years programs kludged around the lack of a graphical API, hard-wiring into themselves the escape ...
The Magic of Curses 115 Senseless Separators The myopia surrounding terminal handling has an historical basis. It begins with th ...
116 Terminal Insanity one place, by a device driver. Not every program or programmer is letter- perfect: operations like reading ...
The Magic of Curses 117 This state of affairs, like institutionalized bureaucracies, would be livable (though still not acceptab ...
118 Terminal Insanity Alan Bawden has this to say about the situation: Date: Wed, 13 Nov 91 14:47:50 EST From: Alan Bawden <A ...
The Magic of Curses 119 bleep Unix decides the size of my terminal and what should I do about it, and used Zmacs, like I should ...
120 Terminal Insanity of ad hoc things to bash one piece of database into conformance with others. Bleah. I dunno, maybe this is ...
The Magic of Curses 121 ...
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