Black-winged Stilt
Binomial Name: Himantopus himantopus
The world record for the bird with the longest legs compared to its body size is listed in the
Guinness Book of World Records. The Black-winged Stilt is a unique shorebird with longpink legs and a black-and-white body. Common migratory birds of Bangladesh. In winter,
extensive marshes, marshlands, wetlands, coastal lagoons, and salt-cultivated land roamalmost all of the country. Usually, about a hundred birds roam together or in mixed flocks
with other birds. It strolls through mud and water with its long legs and collects food from
soft soil. Aquatic insects and shrimp are their favourite food. During the breeding seasonfrom April to August, they build nests in stacks of grass, vines, and leaves on dry ground
near water.
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(^150) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan