Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Pied Harrier
Binomial Name: Circus melanoleucos
The Pied Harrier is an uncommon migratory bird on the bird list of Bangladesh. Their originalhabitats were Mongolia, northeastern China, and eastern Siberia. In winter, it is found in
rural open fields, arable land, grasslands, or around reed thickets in Bangladesh. Theysearch for prey by circling over fields. Although it looks a little scary, the appearance is
beautiful. Its diet includes small mammals, frogs, lizards, grasshoppers, large insects,locusts, and small birds. During the breeding season of April-July, they lay
their eggs in the grassy meadows of their original habitat.

cvKiv Kvcvwm, ivLvj fzjvwb,
cvKiv †g‡Vv wPj
cvKiv Kvcvwm evsjv‡`‡ki cvwLi ZvwjKvq
`yj©f cwihvqx cvwL| G‡`i g~j Avevm
g‡½vwjqv, DËi-c~e© Pxb I mvB‡ewiqvi
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gvV, Avevw` Rwg, Z...Yf~wg A_ev
bjLvMovi †Suv‡ci Avkcv‡k †`Lv
hvq| Giv †LZ-Lvgv‡ii Dci P°i
w`‡q wkKvi Lyu‡R †eovq| †`L‡Z wKQzUv
fq¼i n‡jI †PnvivUv wKš‘ my`k©b| †QvU
̄Íb ̈cvqx, e ̈vO, wUKwUwK, dwos, eo
†cvKvgvKo, c½cvj I †QvU cvwL
i‡q‡Q Zvi Lvev‡ii ZvwjKvq|
GwcÖj-RyjvB gv‡mi cÖRbbKv‡j
g~j Avev‡mi Z...Yf~wg‡Z Nvm w`‡q
Ge‡ov-†_e‡ov evmv evwb‡q wWg

Photo courtesy : Neoh Hor Kee


(^182) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban

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