Common Kestrel
Binomial Name: Falco tinnunculus
The Common Kestrel is an uncommon migratory bird of prey in Bangladesh. Their mainhabitat is in the hilly areas of Pakistan and the Himalayan gorges. Migrants come to our
country in the winter. In almost all parts of the country, forests, meadows, or arable landwere more or less noticed. They fly over grasslands or paddy fields in search of food. Their
diet includes grasshoppers, locusts, dung beetles, winged weevils, voles, small mice, frogs,lizards, mice, small birds or their young. Their breeding season is from April to June. During
this time, they make nests with leaves, roots, and garbage in mountain crevices or
abandoned buildings. Sometimes they lay eggs in the abandoned nests of crows.
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Dci w‡q D‡o D‡o Giv Lvevi †Lvu‡R| G‡
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evmv ˆZix K‡i; KL‡bv KL‡bv Kv‡Ki cwiZ ̈³ evmvq
wWg cv‡o|
Birds of the Sundarban I 185
Photo © Kawsar Mostafa