Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Taiga Flycatcher
Binomial Name: Ficedula albicilla
Taiga is the largest forest in the world. These forests are located across Russia and Canada.The geographical location of Taiga is almost half a sphere away from Bangladesh. The
Taiga Flycatcher is a small bird of the Taiga region. This bird migrates to our country inSeptember-October and returns after about nine months, around May. The Taiga Flycatcher
is a common migratory bird of Bangladesh. The bird is found in almost all the forests ofBangladesh except Barisal. In the forest, it usually sits on low branches and descends to
the ground to gather food. They eat a variety of small insects. From May to June, they
return to their habitat during the nesting period.

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(^244) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan

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