Plaintive Cuckoo
Binomial Name: Cacomantis merulinus
The Plaintive Cuckoo is a common resident bird ofBangladesh. It roams in small bushes near the ground
and eats food by turning over the leaves lying on theground. The food list includes soft-bodied insects and
small juicy fruits. The Plaintive Cuckoo cannot buildnests, hatch eggs or even raise chicks. The female
Plaintive Cuckoo lays her eggs in the nests of small birdslike warblers, prinia, and tailorbirds. Foster mother birds
think of their eggs as hatching, feeding, and rearing their
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Lvevi LvIqvq, jvjb-cvjb K‡i|
Birds of the Sundarban I 87
Photo © Foridi Numan