Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Birds of the Sundarban I 93

Common Hawk-Cuckoo
Binomial Name: Hierococcyx varius
The Common Hawk-Cuckoo is a commonsight bird in Bangladesh. He wanders in
the divisions' forests, gardens, andlocalities. They roam alone or in
grass. pairs. It eats prey on grass andCaterpillars, seedlings,
grasshoppers, locusts, flying weevils, and
spiders are their favorite foods. Thebreeding season runs from March to
June. They can't make a nest. Thefemale lays her eggs secretly in the
nests of thrushes, babblers, or orioles.
from laying eggs and hatching babiesThe caring mother does everything
to raising them. 
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†i‡L‡Q bvbvb Dcgvq| †PvLM ̈v‡jv
evsjv‡`‡ki myjf `k©b AvevwmK cvwL| me
wefv‡Mi eb-R½j, evMvb, †jvKvj‡q Ny‡i
†eovq| Giv GKvKx ev †Rvovq wePiY K‡i|
cjøe ̧”Q I Nv‡m wkKvi a‡i Lvq|
ïu‡qv‡cvKv, PvivMvQ‡L‡Kv †cvKv, dwos,
c½cvj, DošÍ DuB I gvKomv Lvev‡ii
ZvwjKvq _vK‡jI gv‡S-g‡a ̈ wUKwUwK wKsev
imv‡jv djI Lvq| gvP© †_‡K Ryb cÖRbb
FZz| Giv evmv ˆZwi Ki‡Z cv‡i bv|
†g‡qcvwL `vgv, QvZv‡i, †e‡b‡eŠ-Gi evmvq
wWg cv‡o| wW‡g Zv †`qv, ev”Pv †dvUv‡bv,
jvjb-cvjb mewKQzB cvjK gv K‡i|


Photo © Foridi Numan
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