Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Spotted Owlet
Binomial Name: Athene brama
It may look violent, but it is a very innocent nocturnalbird. During the day, they spend time behind trees
or buildings. From dusk onwards, the nightbecame agile. This bird is called The
Spotted Owlet. It is a common residentbird of Bangladesh. The Spotted
Owlet roams arable lands, villages,
urban residential areas, and the edgeof forests. Usually lives in pairs or family
groups. The nocturnal bird's diet alsoincludes nocturnal flying insects, lizards,
rats, moles, and small birds. Breeding
season is from November to April. Duringthis time, they lay their eggs by making
nests with feathers on the trunks of largetrees, old buildings, or grassy hills.

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eo Mv‡Qi †duvKi, cyi‡bv vjvb wKsev Z...Ygq Lvov cvnv‡o cvjK w‡q evmv †eu‡a wWg cv‡o|

Birds of the Sundarban I 99

Photo © Foridi Numan creomsidmeonnt

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