52 ModelAirplaneNews.com
Th e fuselage construction begins with
assembling the left- and right-hand side
frames directly over the plan. Join the
frames beginning at the cabin area and
work rearward. Th e cabin door is located
in the right-hand frame. Pin the frames
vertically over the bottom view, with the
landing-gear mount beams in place on
the plan. Align and glue the top formers in
place, followed by the bottom crosspieces
from station 7 aft. Lift the framework from
the board, lash the landing gear in place
with thread and glue, and then add the
bottom formers and the fi rewall. Using
the cross-sectional views for reference,
fi t and glue the stringers and side-cabin
fi ll pieces in place. Cut the boot cowl and
side-window-frame fairings from fi le-
folder paper, using the provided patterns
as guides, and glue them in place.
Th e fuselage is built up in the old style of stick-and-tissue construction. Th e side frames are built fi rst, then
joined together with formers and crosspieces.
Th e landing gear is preassembled, then
lashed in place on the fuselage frame
with heavy-duty nylon thread.
Th e main landing-gear
components are bent
to shape, then soldered
together on a simple jig
made out of scrap balsa.