2019-04-01 PC Gamer
TERMS & CONDITIONS Prices and savings are compared to buying full priced print issues. You will receive 13 issues in a year. ...
EverQuest FEATURE How a group of nobodies made EVERQUEST and forever changed online gaming. By Steven Messner ...
EverQuest FEATURE ou don’t know what success feels like until you’ve tanked the biggest internet pipeline into San Diego for a w ...
It was a Saturday morning in February of 1996 when Brad McQuaid picked up the phone. The man on the other end introduced himself ...
multiplayer roleplaying games lacked in fancy graphics they made up for in depth and scale. Similar to traditional pen and paper ...
because they were the veterans of the day – they had the most commercial online experience. They laughed at us and said we were ...
heads prone to biting each other. Smedley’s hardest challenge was keeping EverQuest away from the teeth of upper management. “My ...
EverQuest FEATURE fantasy at the time was coming from different book covers or from Frank Frazetta, who was everybody’s hero,” R ...
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Can you handle it? MINIMUM Windows 95/98 Pentium 166+ 32MB RAM Direct3D or Glide compliant accelerator card ...
always there and sleeping under our desks and going home at 2am night after night. I remember one time I took a Saturday off and ...
was discovered by Japanese upper management. That was when Kelly Flock, Smedley’s boss, gave him his own dose of good news and b ...
called Verant Interactive, and moved to a different office building just a short walk away. It was a close call – not that anyon ...
ally boots everyone off the network,” Sites explains. Days ticked by as Smedley and crew desperately tried to assuage the growin ...
INTERVIEW Coming away from the well-received vignette structure of Battlefield 1, what storytelling traits did you want to carry ...
INTERVIEW approach the same level in different ways to unlock unique rewards. What wider design goals does this serve? Eric: The ...
so many people brought interesting ideas and scenarios and suggestions. Sitting down as a team, it took us quite a while to sett ...
REVIEW HOWWEREVIEW Werevieweachgameonitsownmerits,andtrytomatchit to a reviewer who’s a passionate expert in the field. The main ...
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