Physics Times 07.2019
Introduction Forces in nature can be divided into two types: (i) Conservative force (ii) Nonconservative force In this article w ...
Similarly we get xz ii F F x z & iii Fy Fx x y For a given force vector F F i F j F k x y ...
24 24 0 0 8 4 4 W WOAB OB The given force is conservative. (Method-II) The given force F Fi F j ...
3 2 2 5/2 2 2 2 Cy x y x y x (^) 3 2 2 5/ (2 ) 2 Cy x y x 2 2 5/ y 3 F Cxy x y x ...
(c)y i x j^2 ˆ ˆ^2 (d) yi x jˆ ˆ^2 Verify whether the following forces are conservative or not. (1) F xyi xyj ˆ ˆ Ans : ...
ANGULAR IMPULSE Two particles of equal mass m at A and B are connected by a rigid light rod AB lying on a smooth horizontal tab ...
An impulse J is exerted on a rod of mass m and length L at a distance x from the C.M. Find the value of x at which the net velo ...
(^) Ndt mv mv ' (i) Angular impulse by friction in the vertical direction (^22) 5 fR R Ndt mR v R (ii ...
SECTION- Single answer type questions A thin spherical insulating shell of radius R carries a uniformly distributed charge such ...
Consider a spherical gaseous cloud of mass density ( )r in a free space where r is the radial distance from its centre. The g ...
(a) The key S 1 is kept closed for long time such that capacitors are fully charged. Now key S 2 is closed, at this time the ins ...
(c) f n f n (d) The relation between f f and n n remains unchanged if both the convex surfaces are replaced by concave ...
A train S 1 , moving with a uniform velocity of 108 km/h, approaches another train S 2 standing on a platform. An observer O m ...
2.Sol: So increased by^0 V R At t 0 1 2 dN t dt on integrating ^12 0 loge N t N Given th ...
3.Sol: 1 6 10 2 10 g V R R 5 10^4 RV (R Rg V) I R I I Sg g ( g) 6 3 6 2 10 10 20 10 2 10 S mA ...
5 0 10 80 80 q q q 10 5 80 q (^) q 40 C ^ V across^ C 1 40 / 10 4 V Now just after closing of S 2 charge on eac ...
2 (^24) 2 cos 2 0.075 cos 60 3.75cm 1000 2 10 10 o T h rg Case- Therefore, Option (a) is correct Case- ( ...
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