Biology Times 07.2019

(Greg DeLong) #1


  1. In regulation of gene expression in
    i. Lactose acts as suppressor for gene
    ii. Tryptophan is inducer.
    iii. Regulator gene produces repressor ...
    (a) i alone is correct (b) ii alone is correct
    (c) iii alone is correct
    (d) ii and iii are coorect

  2. Read the statement regarding the lac
    operon and choose the correct option
    i. An inducer regulates the switching on
    and off the lac operon
    ii. Repressor protein dissociated from
    operator region and prevents RNA
    polymerase from transcribing the
    iii. In the presence of lactose, the repressor
    is activated by interaction with lactose.
    iv. RNA polymerase has access to the
    promoter and transcription proceeds
    only when the repressor is inactivated.
    (a) i and ii alone are correct
    (b) ii alone is correct
    (c) iii and iv alone are correct
    (d) i and iv alone are correct

  3. Select the correct sequences of steps in
    DNA finger printing involving Southern

    blot hybridization using radiolabeled
    VNTR as probes.
    i. Hybridization using labelled VNTR
    ii. Isolation of DNA
    iii. Transferring (Blotting) of separated
    DNA fragments to synthetic
    membranes, such as nitrocellulose or
    iv. Detection of hybridization DNA
    fragments by autoradiography.
    v. Separation of DNA fragments by
    vi. Digestion of DNA by restriction

(a) i, v, vi, ii, iii and iv
(b) v, i, vi, iii, iv and ii
(c) ii, vi, v, iii, i and iv
(d) ii, i, v, vi, iv and iii

  1. DNA fingerprinting  works   because-

    (a) There are mutiple alleles for some
    DNA sequences, making it possible to
    obtain unique patterns for each
    (b) DNA in the skin cells is very diverse
    (c) Genes containing the same alleles
    make it simple to compare different
    (d) PCR allows amplification of proteins

    from single cells

  2. A mixture containing DNA fragments
    A,B,C and D with molecular weights of
    A+B=C, A>B and D>C, was subjected to
    agarose gel electrophoriesis. The positions of
    these frangments from cathode to anode
    sides of the get would be-
    (a) C, B, A, D (b) B, A, D, C
    (c) B, A, C, D (d) A, B, C, D

  3. The probability of occurrence of DNA
    polymorphism in non-coding region is
    more because
    (a) It is beneficial to human beings
    (b) It may not have any immediate effect
    on individuals’ reproductive ability
    (c) It is not always inheritable
    (d) None of these

  4. Initially, it was believed that the
    human genome has 100,000 gene. But the
    declaration of human genome project has
    shown that the number of genes in human
    genome is approximately
    (a) 20,000 (b) 50,000
    (c) 60,000 (d) 70,000

  5. During chromosome DNA replication, the
    following events occur
    i. Breaking of H bonds between bases.
    ii. Bonds between adjacent nucleotide
    iii. Winding brings about formation of two
    double helices.

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