
(Kiana) #1


normal curve, A-3–A-4, A-8
polygon, A-3, A-4
positively skewed distribution, A-4, A-7
sample, A-1
sigma, A-6
significant difference, A-11
skewed distributions, A-4–A-5, A-7
statistically significant, A-11
t-test, A-11
variability, measures of, A-2, A-7–A-9
z-score, A-9, A-12
Stem cells, 58–59, 319
Stepping reflex, 323
Stereotype, 34, 397, 477–478
defined, 400, 477
gender, 397
gender-role, 401
Stereotype threat, 295, 486
Stereotype vulnerability, 485–486
Stern, William, 284
Sternberg, Robert, 280, 489–490
Stimulants, 163–165, 169, 171
amphetamines, 163–164
caffeine, 165, 171
cocaine, 164, 171
nicotine, 164–165, 171
Stimulatory hallucinogenics, 169
Stimulus, 179
Stimulus control, 200
Stimulus discrimination, 181
Stimulus generalization, 181
Stimulus motive, 360
Stimulus substitution, 183
Stirrup (stapes), 108
STIs. See Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
Storage, memory, 79, 234, 256
Stranger anxiety, 332
acculturative, 444
acute stress disorder, 556–557
burnout, 444
cancer and, 436–437, 450
coping with, 448–453
coronary heart disease and, 435, 440–441
culture and, 444–445
defined, 422
diabetes and, 436
duration of illness and, 434
eating and, 371
emotion-focused coping, 449–450
general adaptation syndrome (GAS), 432, 433
health and, 432–446
heart disease and, 434–435
immune system and, 433–437
influence of cognition and personality on,
job, 443–444
laughter and, 449
Lazarus’s cognitive appraisal approach and,
meditation, as coping mechanism, 450
mindfulness meditation, 454–455
obesity and, 372
optimists and, 442–443
personality factors in, 440–443
pessimists and, 442–443
posttraumatic stress disorder, 556–557
poverty and, 443
primary appraisal, 438
problem-focused coping, 449
religion and, 452–453
secondary appraisal, 438
social factors in, 443–444
social-support system, 451–452
Stress disorders
acute stress disorder (ASD), 556–557

causes of, 557–558
posttraumatic stress disorder (See Posttraumatic
stress disorder (PTSD))
Stress hormones, 61
Stressors, 422–423
distress, 422
environmental, 423–427
eustress, 422–423
primary appraisal, 438
responses to, 439
secondary appraisal, 438
Stress-vulnerability model of schizophrenia, 575
String problem, 274, 276
Stroboscopic motion, 127
Structuralism, 6
Study methods, PIA-4–PIA-5
action methods, PIA-4
auditory methods, PIA-4
note taking, PIA-8
questions, PIA-8
reading, PIA-8
recall/review, PIA-9
reciting, PIA-8–PIA-9
reflection, PIA-9
surveying, PIA-8
textbooks, reading, PIA-7–PIA-9
verbal methods, PIA-4
visual methods, PIA-4
Subgoals, 273
Subjective discomfort, 545
Subjective experience, 378
Subjective tests, 536, PIA-12
Subject mapping, 276
Sublimation, 509
Subliminal perception, 95, 513
Subliminal stimuli, 95
Substance P, 117
Substitution (compensation), 509, 512
Successive approximation, 201
Sucking reflex, 323
Suggestibility, hypnotic, 158
Suicide, 563
antidepressants and, 618
Sullivan, Harry Stack, 592
Sumner, Francis Cecil, 7
Superego, 508, 511
Supernatural visitations, 172
Supertasker, 275
Support groups, 606
Suprachiasmatic nucleus, 141–142
Surface traits, 522
Surveys, 24–26
Sympathetic division, of the autonomic nervous
system, 60–62
emotion and, 374, 379
stress and, 432
Synapse (synaptic gap), 50–51
Synaptic knobs, 47
Synaptic pruning, 323
Synaptic vesicles, 50
Synesthesia, 94, 168
Syntax, 298, 299, 303
Syphilis, 414
Systematic desensitization, 597

Taijin kyofusho (TKS), 558
Tardive dyskinesia, 615–616
Target audience, 474
Task-management systems, 386–387
Taste, 94, 111–114
children’s preferences, 324
conditioned taste aversions, 185–186
development of, 324
Taste buds, 112–113

TAT. See Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
Tay-Sachs disorder, 315
TBI. See Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
tDCS. See Transcranial direct current stimulation
Telegraphic speech, 300
Television, aggression and violence on, 493–494
Telomeres, 346
Temperament, 331–332, 506
Temperature, perception of, 116–117
Temporal lobes, 77, 78, 79
memory and, 255–256
mental images and, 269
Temporoparietal junction (TPJ)
altruism and, 494, 499
competitive behavior and, 499
Teratogens, 320
Terman, Lewis M., 282, 290, 291–292
Terman’s Termites, 290, 291–292
Terminal buttons, 47
Test anxiety, 580–581
Test construction, 284–288
Testes, 64, 66, 392
Testicles, 392
Testosterone, 394
aggression and, 491
Test performance, athletes and, 34
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), 170
Texture gradient, 124
Thalamus, 74, 76
dreams and, 155
emotions and, 379
THC. See Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), 536
Theory, defined, 19
The Theory and Practice of Advertising (Scott), B11
Theory X workers, B11
Theory Y workers, B11
Therapeutic alliance, 609
Therapy. See also Biomedical therapies; Psychological
defined, 588
Thesis, PIA-17
Theta waves, 145
Thinking. See also Cognition; Critical thinking
convergent, 275–276
divergent, 276
language and, 300–302
Thinking/feeling (T/F), 534
Thirst, 357–358
Thompson, Charles Henry, 7
Thorndike, Edward L., 188–189
Thought stopping, B-12
Thyroid gland, 66
Thyroxin, 66
Timbre, 108
Time management, PIA-5–PIA-6
test-taking and, PIA-14
Time-and task-management systems, 386–387
Time-outs, 204, 600
Time pressure, 427
Tinnitus, 110
Tip of the tongue (TOT) phenomenon, 241
Titchener, Edward, 6
TMS. See Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
Token economy, 204, 600
Tolman, Edward, 208–209
Tomboys, 397–398
Tongue, taste buds, 112–113
Top-down processing, 129
Topic, paper, PIA-17
TOT. See Tip of the tongue (TOT) phenomenon
Touch, 93, 116
development of, 324
Tower of Hanoi, 235
TPJ. See Temporoparietal junction (TPJ)

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