
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

our passion for prayer. In fact, He whispered to me about you
at that very first Bible study. I didn’t know it then. But I see it
clearly now.

It’s you.

You’re the one He had in mind.

So as we bring this book to a close, I simply want to leave
you with the same words I’d share with you if I were sitting in
your house, on your sofa, as we encourage each other about
being devoted to our God and to prayer.

I ask you to wear this book out, girl. Make it pay for
whatever you paid for it. Make prayer both your lifeline and
your lifestyle. Continue to write His Word on your heart, on
your hand, on those little pieces of paper I’ve given you, or on
whatever scrap of notepad, sticky note, or stationery is your
canvas of choice. Something highly important and powerful
happens when you put these prayers of yours and these
promises of His into words. And into action.

So stick ’em to the wall. Post them on your bathroom mirror.
Adhere them to the dashboard of your car. Tape them inside
your office cubicle. Put them anywhere, anyplace where you’re

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