A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

Causatives 319

b. Ale' ma-labu Bapa'.
yngr.sibling AV.CS-fall father
‘Little Brother knocked Father down.’

(137) a. Kana' rowa mole.
child that go.home
‘That child went home.’

b. Guru-na ma-mole kana' rowa polana ta' ng-lako-ne
teacher-DEF AV.CS-go.home child that because not AV-work-LOC
‘The teacher made that child go home because he didn’t do his

Additionally, some speakers accept some suffixed causatives with these verb
roots. In all cases, the suffix used is -agi.

(138) Siti nedhung-ngagi baji'-eng.
Siti AV.sleep-AGI baby-DEF
‘Siti put her baby to bed.’

(139) Ale' ng-labu-wagi Bapa'.
yngr.sibling AV-fall-AGI father
‘Little Brother knocked Father down.’

(140) Guru-na mole-yagi kana' rowa polana ta' ng-lako-ne
teacher-DEF AV.CS-go.home child that because not AV-work-LOC
‘The teacher made that child go home because he didn’t do his

There are fewer speakers who accept suffixed causatives with these verb stems
than with stative intransitives. Periphrastic causatives are possible with a few of
these roots but generally are not preferred.
Controlled (or agentive) dynamic intransitive verb roots evince yet a dif-
ferent pattern of causatives. The controlled dynamic intransitive verbs are those
that take an actor voice prefix in their basic use, e.g. berka' ‘run’, caca ‘talk’,
lako ‘work’, and others.

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