A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

Radin Sagara 511

  1. Bu' emban', bu' mongmong, se ng-ladi-ne Pottre Dorong
    mother nanny mother nursemaid REL AV-serve-LOC Pottre Dorong
    Gung jareya padha ruwet, sossa.
    Gung this same perplexed sad
    The maidservant who helped the Pottre Doro Gung, was also very
    perplexed and sad.

  2. Me'-ame'^3 ka-daddi-yan jareya e-ka-pereng bi' rato-na, tanto-na
    RED-if NOM-become this OV-KA-hear with king-yes certain-DEF
    rato se gella' jiya, iya areya rato Giling Tosan, Syang Hiyang Tunggal,
    king REL before this yes this king Giling Tosan Syang Hiyang Tunggal
    bakal ng-amog-ga, ya bakal ng-amog-ga.
    will AV-angry-IRR yes will AV-angry-IRR
    They were worried if the king would hear about this because the king of
    Giling Tosan, Syang Hiyang Tunggal, would be very angry.

  3. Pa'-sapa'-a bai se nyempen batang ya, aher-ra e-k-edhing keya
    RED-who-EMPH else REL AV.keep corpse yes end-DEF OV-KA-hear also
    Whoever keeps a secret will be discovered in the end.

  4. Bid-abid-da rato pas mereng ja' ana' bine'-eng tong-settong-nga
    RED-long-DEF king then AV-hear COMP daughter-DEF RED-one-DEF
    jareya a-buberra', ngandung, mangkana gilo' gadhuwan raka,
    this AV-pregnant AV.pregnant though yet.not have husband
    gi'ta' a-lake.
    yet.not AV-husband
    So eventually, the king heard that his only daughter was pregnant, pregnant
    even though she was still not married.

  5. Adhu ella ng-amok, lakar aba'eng dujan ngamog-gan, pas ng-edhing
    EXCL already AV-angry real he quick AV-angry-IRR then AV-hear
    ana'-eng andhi' sala kantha jareya.
    child-DEF have wrong like this
    Well, the king got angry; he became very angry when he heard his daughter
    was like this.

(^3) Reduplication of ame' ‘if’ acts as a subjunctive; here it indicates an unexpected event.
(^4) An idiom explaining that just as you cannot keep a corpse without discovery because
of the smell, if you try to keep a secret, the truth will eventually come out.

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