A History of Applied Linguistics - From 1980 to the present

(Kiana) #1

real world problems: and academic
theory 29; AL’s applicability to 16,
25 – 7, 33–4, 137– 8
referencing, precision in 50
registers, switching 94
relearning languages 75
research methods: quantitative and
qualitative 62; range of 64– 5
research questions, reformulating 100
restructuring 97
retirement, mandatory 14
Ricento, Thomas: on impact of AL on
language teaching 124; introduction
to AL 18
Robinson, Peter: and aptitude treatment
interaction 126; on leaders 37; on
research methods 65
Routledge: AL publications of 55;
handbooks and encyclopedias 69
Rüsschoff, Bernd 33–4, 85

Schmidt, Dick: citation score of 111; on
multiplicity of AL 32
Schmitt, Norbert: on impact of AL on
language teaching 127; and TESOL 8;
on vocabulary 84
Schumann, John: on CDST 88; on
generalizability 70–1; on leaders 37–8;
on morpheme orders 80; portrait
of 47– 8
Schwartz, Bonnie 58
Scopus 107–8, 116
SCT (Socio-Cultural Theory):
author’s interest in 137; cognitive
and social in 31; growth of 60,
62 – 3, 71; Lantolf and 41; and
Penn State 31; subcommunity
of 134
SCT-Light 63
‘Second/foreign language learning as a
social accomplishment’(Firth/
Wagner) 30–1, 50, 53, 112
Second Language Acquisition: A Book of
Readings(Hatch) 54
Second Language Classrooms(Chaudron)
Second Language Research 117
second language teaching 124, 132
Seidlhofer, Barbara: on corpus
linguistics 66; on ELF 79–80; on
impact of AL on language
teaching 124; on neuroscience 67;
on SLA 32
self-citation 115

semantics, and discourse information
92 – 3
SFG (Systemic Functional Grammar)
45, 57– 8
Sharwood-Smith, Michael, description
of AL 27; on impact of AL on
language teaching 122–3; on linguistic
theories 60
Shohamy, Elana: on gender 12–13; on
testing 68, 82, 126
Shuy, Roger 28
Sinclair, John 65
Singapore 10, 13
Singleton, David: on age 76; on impact
of AL on language teaching 130;
introduction to AL 18
Skutnabb-Kangas, Tove: description
of AL 28; introduction to AL 21;
on language shift 78; on
multilingualism 77; on spread
of English 79
SLA (Second Language Acquisition):
distinguished from AL 27, 32, 34,
123; doctoral degrees in 15–16; and
GG 58–60; leaders’work in 41–6;
linguistic environment in 74; research
in 1, 46, 73, 125, 134; theory
construction in 61
SLD (second language development):
and AL 133; and CDST 87–9; and
DST 3; non-linear approaches to
99 – 100
SOC (self-organized criticality)
95 – 7
social media 67– 8
social turn 3, 30, 87, 134– 5
Sociocultural Theory and Second Language
Learning(Lantolf) 41, 47, 53
Sociocultural Theory and the Genesis of
Second Language Development
(Lantolf/Thorne) 53
sociolinguistics: and code-switching 96;
and language acquisition 77–83; and
variation 98
Sorace, Antonella 17, 30, 34
Spada, Nina 110–11, 125– 6
Spain, AL community in 14
Spivey, Michael, on cognitive
processing 91
Spolsky, Bernard: and descriptions
of AL 28; portrait of 46; on
testing 68
static representations 93, 103
statistical procedures 65

152 Index

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