A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning

(Steven Felgate) #1

12.Tome : large volume

She spent much time in the libraries poring over
ancient times.

13.Tyro :beginner , novice

For a mere tyro, you have produced some marvelous results.

14.Tumid: swollen , pompous, bombastic

I especially dislike his tumid style, I prefer writing
that is less swollen and bombastic.

15.Turgid : Swollen , disintended

The turgid river threatened to overflow the leaves and
flood the countryside.

16.Tremor : Trembling

She had a nervous tremor in her right hand.

17.Trek : travel, journey

The tribe made their trek further north that summer
in search of game.

18.Trenchant : cutting , keen

I am afraid of his trenchant wit for it is often

19.Traduce : Expose to slander

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