As I secit
111 myexperience
Fwmily enough
You'llnecerbeliece this, bitt
Cucssu hat!
Technicalmatters • Module7A
2.0 Technicaldevices
A Howtosoundinformal
Your writingwill sound much moreinformalif you:
remember you'rew rit in g to a friend.Imag ine a real person.
- Be friendly and jokey.
noo: »YOllrdietgOing? - Referto common friends.
tioce youheardfromSybil/a?
Sayhello to Edll;ardforme.
G ivemyloveto the baln]. - Referto thingsyour friendalready knows.
I'msu reYOll'llremember...
A syOIlkmnc...
[ ust likeyOIlsaid.
2 write in 'spoken' Engli sh.
- Usepersonal constructions(phraseswithIandyou).
Iknowthis soundssilly.but..
I hopeyOIldon'tmintlnu]say ingthis , but.
rOIl'1I/l eec r gll ess.
. .if!JOIlknow[chat Imean.
3 use informalvocabulary,includingphrasal verbs and informal linkingwords
such as thosebelow.
- Expressingyour opini on
To be quite honest To tellY OIlthe truth
Tomymind Frommypointofcieu:
Frallkly Actllally - Expressingsurprise
Believ eitornot
Tomysurp rise
This may su rpriseYOll,but
\ V!Iflt's morc
A lld besides
- Changingthe subject
AIlYll;f1Ij.. Talk ingofichich,..
Illcidelltally,... By the ,cay,. - List ing reasons
Tosta rt [citll
Amianother th ing
Thai remindsme,..
Bef oreI f orget.. ..
B Find examplesof these technicaldevicesin Rachel's letter and note. Can you
find anyothertechniqueswhich Rachel uses to sound informal?
Task types • 105