The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [41–46]^

  1. I.A. Slukhay, General Ivan Katyshkin, Moscow: Patriot, 2008. Excerpted at http://www.; Egorin, Egipet, p. 179, quoting this figure from the London
    annual The Middle East and North Africa: “I won’t claim that their number was more or
    less; I doubt we will ever know the precise number.”

  2. A. Yu. Dashkov and V.D. Golotyuk, “Arabo-Izrail’skiy konflikt: Boevye deystviya sovets-
    koy aviatsii i PVO v Egipte,”
    stviya-sovetskojj-aviacii-i-pvo-v-egipte.html#identifier_2_4428; excerpted from their
    book, 100 let Voenno-vozdushnym silam Rossii (1912–2012 gody), Moscow: Fond “Russkie
    Vityazi,” 2012. Katyshkin was promoted to colonel-general a few days after arriving in
    Eg ypt.

  3. Bardisi, a counter-intelligence officer, is described in Igor’ Kubersky’s, Egipet-69, St.
    Petersburg : Gelikon-Plus, 2010, as charged with surveillance of the Soviet advisers.
    Serialized in Zvezda (St. Petersburg ), January 2011,
    page=8&nput=1534, and February 2011

  4. Col. Vladimir T. Serkov, Liniya fronta: Suetsky kanal; Dnevnik voennogo sovetnika,
    Kurtamish (Russia): GUP Kurtamishskaya tipografiya, 2007, pp. 16–17.

  5. Zub, “Sovetskie moryaki: Voiny-internatsionalisty v OAR-Egipet,” pp. 73–4.

  6. Personal communication from Zekharia Chesno, Jerusalem, 13 December 2000.

  7. Telephone interview with Zardusht Alizadeh, 16 February 2001, when he was co-chair-
    man of the Social Democratic Party of Azerbaijan. Alizadeh’s entire class of ten in the
    Oriental Studies Faculty of Azerbaijan State University was recruited as interpreters. He
    was attached in 1969 to the Soviet adviser to the chief of staff of Eg yptian Air Defense.

  8. Maj. Yury Gorbunov, “Napishi mne, mama, v Egipet: Vospominaniya voennogo perevod-
    chika,” Military Krym website, 2013,

  9. Egorin, Egipet, p. 178.

  10. The edition from 1988, quoted by Zub, “Sovetskie moryaki: Voiny-internatsionalisty v
    OAR-Egipet,” p. 68; emphasis added.

  11. Karpov, “Vospominaniya,” pp. 71, 84.

  12. Gorelov, a combat ace and HSU from the Second World War, was another of Lashchenko’s
    Ciscarpathian subordinates whom he recruited for Eg ypt, where he served from November
    1967 to May 1969; “Gorelov, Sergey Dmitrievich,”

  13. Karpov, “Vospominaniya,” p. 75.

  14. Shimshon Ofer, Davar, 28 August 1967, p. 2; Eli Landau, Ma’ariv, 27 August 1967, p. 2.

  15. IAF website,–6841-he/IAF.aspx

  16. Harold H. Saunders, “Memorandum of Conversation,” 26 February 1968. NARA,
    National Security File, Country File Israel, vol. 8, box 141. Amit “felt that we [Americans]
    should do ‘much more’ to block the Soviets. ... General Amit and Mr [Walt] Rostow
    agreed ... that perhaps the Soviet influx into Eg ypt was directed more at establishing a
    base for activities beyond the UAR in Africa rather than against Israel.”

  17. Naumkin et al., Blizhnevostochnyy konflikt, vol. 2, document no. 299, pp. 641–4.

  18. Christel Steffler, Soviet Affairs Department, West German Foreign Ministry, quoted in

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