The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [48–58]^

  1. Aleksey Vasiliev, Rossiya na Blizhnem i Srednem Vostoke: Ot messianstva k pragmatizmu,
    Moscow: Nauka, 1993, pp. 96–7.

  2. Semenov, “Ot Khrushcheva,” p. 135; Baev, “Bulgaria and the Middle East,” pp. 32–3.


    1. Semenov, “Ot Khrushcheva,” p. 135.

    2. Naumkin et al., Blizhnevostochnyy konflikt, vol. 2, document no. 299, p. 642.

    3. Abramov, Goluboe, pp. 35–6.

    4. Hershberg, Aftermath, p. 14.

    5. Nikolay Ufarkin, “Lashchenko, Petr Nikolaevich,”

    6. Lt-Col. Avi Shai, “Mitzrayim liqrat milhemet yom ha-kippurim,” Ma’arakhot, 250 ( July
      1975), p. 38n72,

    7. Following quotations of Malashenko are from Vspominaya, pp. 244–93. Lashchenko actu-
      ally overestimated the Israeli force; the front line was routinely held by two or three bat-
      talions, that is, the equivalent of one brigade or less. In early 1968, the Israelis did begin
      preparing a canal crossing of their own, for preemption of an Eg yptian attack or as a coun-
      terstrike, but made little progress. According to Maj.-Gen. Yisra’el Tal, until June 1972
      (when he took over as deputy chief of staff ), despite a prodigious investment, no practi-
      cal crossing capability had been achieved and “the IDF couldn’t cross a sewage ditch.” AC,
      Tal testimony, Part 1, p. 38, and Part 5, pp. 3–5.

    8. Following quotations of Karpov are from “Vospominaniya,” pp. 83–100; of Serkov, from
      Liniya fronta, pp. 18, 31, 123; “Afanasyev, Pavel Aleksandrovich,” in Znamenitye lyudi
      Vo l o g d y, Abu Ghazala would command Eg yptian
      artillery in the 1973 war and later become field marshal and minister of defense.

    9. “Azovkin, Yury Petrovich,”

  4. Hulda Kjeang Mørk, “The Jarring Mission: A Study of the UN Peace Effort in the Middle
    East, 1967–1971,” master’s thesis, University of Oslo, 2007, passim.

  5. “Comments by Soviet Official on the Possible Renewal of Arab–Israeli Hostilities and
    Soviet Intentions,” CIA Intelligence Information Cable, 5 February 1968, https://www.

  6. AC, testimony of Brig. Gen. Aryeh Shalev, p. 17.

  7. Kharchikov, “Na moryakh sredi zemli.”

  8. Charlie Charalambous, “Israeli Sub to Be Salvaged,” AFP, 5 October 1999; Amos Har’el,
    Ha’aretz, 12 October 2000; Amir Rappaport, Ha’aretz, 25 January 2002, pp. 12–16.

  9. “Soviet and Russian Navy ASW and AAW Ships,”
    sia/destroy.htm. A Black Sea Fleet website states that, throughout 1968, the Soobrazitel’nyy
    was “in a zone of military actions, [and] carried out a battle task of rendering assistance
    to the armed forces of Eg ypt”;

  10. On 4 February 1968, Erell’s subordinate and successor Avraham Botzer told a Knesset
    committee that the Navy by then doubted the authenticity of both messages and attrib-

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