The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [81–84]^

  1. Dean Rusk, “Briefing on the World Situation,” 9 September 1968, in US Senate, Executive
    Sessions of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (Historical Series), vol. XX, 1968,
    Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 2010, p. 1001.

  2. AP, “Russians Outnumber 6th Fleet in Mediterranean Ship Buildup,” Gazette (Schenectady,
    NY), 20 August 1969, p. 38.

  3. Cottrell in Daly, Soviet Sea Power, pp. 119–20.

  4. AP, “Soviets Beef Up Offensive Punch in Mediterranean,” Observer-Dispatch (Utica, NY),
    25 September 1968, p. 17.

  5. William Beecher, NYT, “USSR Counters Polaris Threat,” Observer-Dispatch (Utica, NY),
    25 September 1968. This too, however, caused “some talk in US naval circles of withdraw-
    ing US Polaris submarines from the cramped Mediterranean because of potential coun-
    ter by ... future Soviet helicopter carriers and submarines.” Daly, Soviet Sea Power, p. 43.

  6. In a map of Russia’s presence in Eg ypt on 6 June 1970, Newsweek marked “Russians dredg-
    ing harbor” at Mersa Matruh.

  7. Eg yptian newspaper Al-Masa, quoted in Davar, 27 October 1968, p. 2.

  8. Diver Yury Bebishev, quoted in Maurin, “V tel’nyashke i skafandre.” His group was the
    second to make a six-month tour of duty at Alexandria.

  9. J[oseph] Finkelstone, Ma’ariv, 17 November 1968, p. 1, quoting The Sunday Telegraph.

  10. Shirokorad, Rossiya, pp. 331–2. A report about such a port call in “early 1969” might refer
    to this visit or another in a series; it reportedly took place “with no prior notice, as if this
    was her home port, and without taking the regular precautions against radiation,” which
    increased resentment against “the Soviet takeover of Eg ypt.” Sunday Telegraph, 9 March
    1969, quoted by UPI, Davar, 10 March 1969, p. 7.

  11. Norman Polmar, Guide to the Soviet Navy, 3rd edn, Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press,
    1983, pp. 110, 368–9.

  12. This report dated the visit to early January. “Visit by a Russian Submarine to Eg yptian
    Port Is Reported,” NYT, 17 March 1969, p. 3.

  13. Ya’el Vered, director, Middle East Department, Foreign Ministry Jerusalem, to Hadas,
    1 November 1968, ISA HZ-4221/17.

  14. Bejamin Welles, “Reports of a Moscow–Cairo Deal on Arms Dismay U.S. Officials,” NYT,
    13 October 1968, p. 1.

  15. Moshe Zak, Ma’ariv, 13 September 1968, p. 9.

  16. Lucius D. Battle (assistant secretary of state and former ambassador to Eg ypt), “Middle
    East Situation: Phantoms for Israel,” 9 September 1968, FRUS J-XX, no. 247.

  17. “Notes on President Johnson’s Meeting with Congressional Leaders,” 9 September 1968,
    FRUS J-XX, no. 248.

  18. Sevinc Carlson, in Daly, Soviet Sea Power, p. 119.

  19. Nasser returned from Moscow on 17 August. Dishon et al., Middle East Record 1968,
    p. 34.

  20. Der Spiegel, quoted in Ma’ariv, 10 September 1968, p. 3.

  21. AC, Ben-Porat testimony, pp. 46–8.

  22. Malashenko, Vspominaya, pp. 281, 282–3, 298.

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